Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On Becoming a Lady

While attending to my sewing this afternoon a thought struck me: there is, indeed, a lack of true ladies in today's society. In fact the art of being a lady seems to have been some what lost! If there was ever a time that ladyship needs to arise again it would be now. If one desires to be respected then one must act respectable. And there is no better way for a modern woman to be respected than to act as a lady.

It is my goal that through this blog I will be able to gently lead, guide and explore the aspects of being a lady in this, the 21st, century forward. This does not mean that we must always wear skirts or dresses, nor does it mean that we must participate in strictly "lady-like" activities. I am convinced that it is how one acts, carries herself, treats herself and treats those around her that determines a true lady.

I will try to cover the vast arena of ladyship... from etiquette and flirting to fashion and style. Ladies of the era arise! It is our time to grace this world with out God given femininity!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog theme! xx
